Special Training Events and Featured Speakers

2024-2025 Academic year project access In Person events

From time to time Project ACCESS makes speakers with in-depth expertise available or provides or commercial training opportunities to Missouri educators working with students with autism. We endeavor to make these free or low cost.

Click on the presentation topic links for more information and to register.

Date Format Presenter Topic

Establishing Basic Skills Training

Columbia- Sept 17-18th, 2024- REGISTRATION CLOSED 

St. Louis- Dec 3-4th, 2024

Cost: $75

In-person. This professional development opportunity is appropriate for any educator who works with children with autism and who has previously completed the 3 day Verbal Behavior Training course.

Registration CLOSED

St. Louis Registration

Stacey MArtin M.A, BCBA, LBA This training will cover the teaching protocols for establishing early skills in these types of learners. Procedures for establishing instructional control and protocols for teaching initial mands, beginning imitation skills, listener responding, and establishing foundational social interaction skills will be covered. Behavioral protocols and data-based decision-making systems will also be covered. Training strategies will include written pre/post tests, guided notes, hands-on practice, and individual skill competency checks.

ABA Verbal Behavior Training 3 Day Bootcamp

Columbia- Nov 4-6th, 2024

St. Louis- Sep 30-Oct 2nd, 2024

Cost: $100

In-person. Fast paced, Hands on, Classroom Style. This professional development opportunity is appropriate for any educator who works with children with autism.

Columbia Registration

St. Louis Registration

Stacey Martin M. A, BCBA, LBA

Kaye Otten


This intensive 3-day training will provide participants the opportunity to learn skills necessary to design and implement evidence-based programs for students with autism and other developmental disorders which are grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis and emphasize the acquisition of verbal behavior (language) repertoires. Concepts covered will include basic principles of ABA, errorless teaching and error correction procedures, the verbal operants, data collection, and programming based on the VB-MAPP. Participants will also learn the critical importance of teaching students how to ask (mand) for what they want/need and how to incorporate mand training into their students’ programs. Participants will be required to complete written pre/post-tests, demonstrate teaching procedures, accurately complete data collection procedures, as well as orally define ABA terms. This training is modeled after training provided as part of Pennsylvania's PaTTAN Autism Initiative.

Executive Functioning Training

St. Louis- Dec 5th 2024

Cost: Free

In Person Classroom Style Training. This Professional Opportunity is appropriate for any educator who works with children with autism.

Register Here

Kaye Otten


Executive functioning (EF) deficits have been associated with several behavioral challenges common in children with ASD including restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, stimulus over-selectivity, generativity, and deficits in cognitive flexibility. This session will present specific assessment tools and instructional strategies targeting EF deficits commonly experienced by students with ASD.