Please note: Due to a learning management system migration, our online workshops system
will be unavailable during summer 2024. Enrollment begins fall 2024. If you would
like to put your name on a waiting list for when this become available, please sign
up for online training availability notification.
Project ACCESS is migrating our online course content to a new learning management
system. We have finished our part of the migration but now are beholden to the technical
team who is configuring the self-service piece of the new enrollment system. We don't
know exactly when this will be complete. We will send out an announcement and also
a DESE SELs message when the system is available for enrollment. You can sign up for
alerts below.
If you are an administrator looking for para-educator training, we are allowing you
to batch enroll your paras into the workshops designed for paras, even though these
will not be available to anyone to enroll in until the refreshed workshop is available.
To batch enroll paras, please reach out to Project ACCESS at 417-836-6657 or to work out special arrangements to get your paras enrolled in the legacy versions.