Function Based Thinking Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Focus on Tier 1


Function Based Thinking Multi-Tiered Systems of Support:  Focus on Tier 1


The fee of $50.00 is for BOTH sessions which previously has been offered in a full day format.  The two session structure is meant to provide the opportunity for teachers to attend without getting a substitute which has currently proven to be even more of a challenge than usual due do the pandemic.  The sessions are especially appropriate for building or district level behavior leadership teams and the content will be available for six months to share with staff to guide processing activities and ongoing planning.  Ongoing consultation for implementation is available from the presenter upon request as her schedule allows.

Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) is a proactive model for supporting students in reaching their full potential and an alternative to reactive “wait to fail” approaches traditionally used by many school systems (Leach & Helf, 2016).  Function based thinking is behavioral science concept that is an integral component of a systemic multilevel models for prevention and intervention empowering all educators to provide behavior support more efficiently to all students by considering the purpose(s) challenging behaviors serve.  Educators can use this knowledge to guide responses rather than exclusively relying on traditional forms of “discipline” such as timeout and suspension programs that may inadvertently reinforce challenging behavior causing it to increase rather than decrease. Rather than staying stuck in the cycle of problem-punish-problem-punish with little to no success or looking for the new “magic solution” program or curriculum, schools need all educational staff to have a clear understanding of the underlying concepts of behavior science and use this knowledge to guide their responses at all tiers of support.  This session will focus on identifying these core components and clearing up some of the common confusion, misconceptions and obstacles to developing and implementing them.


Attendees will...

  • Define and describe core components and critical concepts of incorporating function based thinking into multi-tiered systems of support.
  • Become familiar with common confusion, misconceptions and obstacles to developing and implement these core components and critical concepts and strategies for clarifying and overcoming them.

This webinar costs $50 to attend. 

Date and Time

First Half: Monday, April 25, 2022 4:30 to 7:30

Second half: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 4:30 to 7:30

Format This is live, online training that will use Zoom Webinar.


About the presenter

Dr. Kaye Otten; PhD, BCBA

Kaye Otten, PresenterKaye Otten has a doctorate from The University of Kansas in special education with an emphasis in emotional, behavioral, and autism spectrum disorders and is a board certified behavior analyst specializing in school based services.  She provides collaborative coaching to school districts in developing evidence based multi-tiered systems of behavioral support and  serves as adjunct faculty with The Mandt System, an international leader in crisis prevention and intervention.  Kaye has over twenty-five of experience in public and private schools as a general and special educator and behavioral consultant and has experience working with all ages, ability levels, and disability categories.  She is the co-author of the book How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behavior:  Practical Ready-To-Use Strategies that Work  and the online professional development courses Managing Challenging Behavior: Part 1-Antecedent Strategies and Part 2-Consequence Strategies  provided by Exceptional Child of Vector Solutions.
