Video Modeling: Bust a Movie and Develop Effective Behavior Interventions

This workshop requires some prior knowledge.  Project ACCESS recommends that you complete the following workshop (s) before you enroll in this workshop: Modeling 

Video Modeling: Bust a Movie and Develop Effective Behavior Interventions

Video Modeling has shown positive outcomes for all age levels and types of behavior, and it’s easy to do. Many individuals with ASD have strengths in visual learning. Traditional verbal or lecture instruction can be challenging and frustrating for them and may not be the most effective models of teaching for visual learners. VM is a teaching strategy that uses technology (video recording and playback via digital cameras, tablets, laptop computers, desktop computers) as the core component of instruction. In VM, a visual model of the targeted behavior or skill is used to maximize the viewer’s (target student) ability to learn what they have seen.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Explain types of video modeling
  • Determine what behavior/skills can be addressed with video modeling
  • Identify steps to implement in the classroom
  • Available resources to enhance video modeling instruction
Workshop information
  • Duration: one day
  • Mode: online
  • Prerequisite: you will need to bring a device
  • Target Audience: Special education teachers, regular education teachers, administrators, and related services providers