This page on our website is a carefully curated page of resources that specifically target autism information in a narrow sense. We are happy to consider any recommended autism resources, but most of the links are collected from sources that we carefully vet before including; in fact, the commonest way to be included is for us to find you through our own work and research. If your mission is to generate sales leads or you work in the SEO industry, please do not solicit inclusion on the page.
Helpful Websites
Autism Society of America, whose mission is to promote lifelong access and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully included, participating members of their communities through advocacy, public awareness, education, and research related to autism.
Autism Teaching Strategies offers social skills activities, games, speech and language activities, and social skills worksheets for teaching children with autism, with several free downloads of resources.
Behavioral Analyst Certification Board. This is a nonprofit corporation established as a result of the identification of credentialing needs by behavior analysts, agencies within several state governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services. The BACB's main purpose is to develop, promote, and implement a voluntary national certification program for behavior analyst practitioners.
Champion Athletes of the Ozarksstrives to "build self-esteem, self-confidence and everyday life skills therefore enhancing the lives of children and adults with disabilities through education, sports competition and new opportunities"
Cindy's Autistic Support is a webpage created by educators to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as their parents and teachers. Their classroom’s focus is on development of language and communication skills, social skills, self-help & academic skills.
Connectability Create visual supports for children
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides continual professional development, advocates for newly and historically under-served individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.
(DESE) The Missouri Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education Division of Special Education assists school districts in establishing and improving services for children with disabilities.
Department of Health and Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is “the nation’s premier public health agency—working to ensure healthy people in a healthy world”. CDC's Mission is "to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability."
Design to Learn strategies and materials address the educational needs of children and adults who have severe disabilities including multiple and low incidence disabilities such as deaf-blindness and autism. These materials are especially useful for individuals who do not have conventional means of communication.
DMH - Department of Mental Health Network of Care for Mental/Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities is an online resource for individuals, families and agencies concerned with mental and emotional wellness, substance abuse and developmental disabilities. It provides information about developmental disabilities services, laws, support, advocacy tools and related news, as well as communication tools and other features.
Do2Learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills.
Easter Seals Midwest (a combined organization of Life Skills, TouchPoint Autism Services and Triality) From early childhood education and in-depth autism training, to job training and community living support, Easter Seals Midwest helps people with developmental disabilities and their families address life's challenges and achieve personal goals. Easter Seals Midwest helps individuals with developmental disabilities - including autism - learn, live, work and participate in the community
First Signs provides a wealth of vital resources, covering a range of issues: from healthy development to concerns about a child; from the screening and referral process to treatments for autism spectrum disorders.
Fraxa is a research foundation whose mission is to support research aimed at treatment for Fragile X Syndrome. This website offers concise explanations of the symptoms and cause of Fragile X, and provides information on research and how to get involved with the foundation.
Dr. Stanley Greenspan Learn more about Floor Time and the other strategies of Dr. Greenspan, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, and Pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School. Dr. Greenspan is also the Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders, and Founder and former president of the ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families.
Indiana Resource Center for Autism Their staff conduct outreach training and consultations, engage in research, and develop and disseminate information focused on building the capacity of local communities, organizations, agencies, and families to support children and adults across the autism spectrum in typical work, school, home, and community settings. The ICRA does not promote one method or a single approach. Instead, IRCA staff strive to address the specific needs of the individual by providing information and training on a variety of strategies and methods.
Jill Kuzma's SLP Social & Emotional Skill Sharing Site Ideas for educators supporting social/emotional language skills.
KidsHealth for Kids: offers doctor-approved, age-appropriate health information about kids. The autism topic page includes descriptions of symptoms, causes and treatment options.
Lesson Pix Custom learning materials – pictures that represent descriptive terms and adjectives
LinguiSystems Publishing Company has lots of materials on autism.
Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) "assure(s) that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration in all aspects of community life."
Missouri Families for Effective Autism Treatment (MO-FEAT) has the mission of providing education, advocacy, and support for families and the autism community and to promote early diagnosis and effective autism treatment.
Missouri Family To Family is a statewide network of families offering free supports to people with disabilities and their families.
Missouri Parents ACT (MPACT) assists parents to effectively advocate for their children's educational rights and services by providing parent training, information and peer support.
Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services (MO P&A) protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in Missouri by providing advocacy and legal services. The services provided include information, education, direct advocacy, mediation, investigation of abuse and neglect, and legal services.
Missouri Youth Leadership Forum (MYLF) is the only forum of its kind in Missouri for students with disabilities. Juniors and Seniors in high school who attend the forum are able to learn about leadership principles, disability experience, resource sharing, assistive technology, developing their advocacy skills and much more.
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) operates for the purpose of providing services to State agencies to facilitate their efforts to maximize educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
National Institutes of Health The NIH has an autism listserv which you can subscribe to: National Institutes of Health
Nolo This site provides resources for legal information, including Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability.
OASIS @ MAAP, Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support center has joined with MAAP Services for Autism to create a single resource for families, individuals, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and PDD/NOS. This website provides articles, educational resources, links to support groups, sources of professional help and various other resources.
Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) supports programs that assist in educating children with special needs, provides for the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities, and supports research to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER) programs help parents become informed and effective representatives for their children in early childhood, school-age and vocational settings. Through knowledge about laws, resources and parents' rights and responsibilities, families are better equipped to work with agencies to obtain appropriate services for their sons and daughters.
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) was developed 12 years ago as a unique augmentative alternative training package that allows children and adults with autism and other communication deficits to initiate communication. It was created with educators, resident care providers and families in mind, and so it is readily used in a variety of settings.
PrAACtical AAC Supports for language learning. For a video on AAC For Students Who Can Speak, please visit the following link: PrAACtical AAC Video
SERI Autism Resources contains many links to autism resources nation wide.
Southwest Center For Independent Living is an organization that serves people with disabilities and their families. Their services are designed to find ways to assist with overcoming barriers in their lives, whether physical, empowerment, legal issues or safety for the home. They have been in Springfield since 1985 and all services are free.
Special Education Technology British Columbia SET-BC loans iPad apps: iPad apps loan as well as providing resources for use of Boardmaker®: Boardmaker® resources and a PictureSET database: PictureSET
Spectronics - for information on Importing Pictures into Boardmaker® and Boardmaker Plus®, visit the following webpage: Spectronics
Teachers Pay Teachers is a community of educators who come together to share, sell, and buy original educational resources.
Thompson Center at University of Missouri's mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by autism and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Victories 'N Autism provides strategies and information to help individuals with ASD reach their potential.
Visual Aids for Learning develops images to streamline and support learning. The resources have been developed in consultation with teachers trained in early childhood, primary school, high school and speech therapy. Each of these professionals is also the parent of a child with developmental delays.
Wrights Law As new reports about dramatic increases in the number of children diagnosed with autism are issued, this site aims to bring you up to date on issues about educating and advocating for children with autism.
Wrong Planet An online resource and web community designed for individuals (and parents of those) with Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, ADHD, and other PDDs.
* RECURSOS DISPONIBLES EN ESPANOL: Websites that provide information on autism and have materials that can be downloaded in Spanish are available on this website at the following link: Web Resources in Spanish